Saturday 5 November 2011

True Magic of MACY'S

Let’s be honest. When one mentions of a place with good customer service, the United States of America would probably be not at the tip of our tongues. I’m told that it lacks genuineness and sincerity. Sometimes it can reek of sarcasm. Truth be told, customer service in the USA has never rated high on my list. The perception is that it almost always comes with an expectation of a huge tip for table service or a commission of some sort for making a sale.

With all that bad reputation, my latest experience at Macy’s in New York was a breath of fresh air. It wasn’t my first visit there but something about the American departmental store’s customer service clicked on that day. At every department and floor that we went to, my partner and I were showered with the utmost pleasant service, one we had not felt in a long time. I could not help but wonder – was it the fact that we were on holidays in New York or was it the great buys that made it felt just so pleasant. Taking all factors into consideration, I chose to believe that the sales associates (what they are called) at Macy’s contributed a great deal to a very enjoyable shopping experience.

Here’s why:

I am referring to the initiative to find out customers’ needs, to offer prompt assistance and go beyond one’s call of duties to enhance each and every customer’s shopping experience. Also, the initiative to engage in a casual conversation along the way so as to listen in on customers’ needs and desires, and make appropriate recommendations according to their lifestyles and tastes. Thereby ensuring customers’ satisfaction.

The sales associates at Macy’s not only offered assistance without us having to ask, they were efficient with looking for the right items for us, and even apologised to have kept us waiting at some point. What delighted me was how a sales associate initiated assistance when we looked a little lost and pointed us to the right direction, to the section we were looking for. One of the cashiers made sure we knew about the great sale corner at the socks section (which we missed) and made her recommendation of a popular brand for us. Another sales associate kindly offered to hold our items at the cashier (as we were holding a bunch of stuff) while we continue to shop, and afterwards ushered us to a free cashier as the one we were heading to was occupied. Another offered to make a change of a (fixed) free gift item upon knowing my preference for another during one of our short conversations.

The one quality that I think the American culture tops the rest of the world would be spontaneity. It is truly amazing how a spontaneous random comment breaks the ice and encourages conversation. It is through these subtle chats that rapport building with customers becomes possible. The act of assisting without being too intrusive is an art and I think the associates on the sales floor at Macy’s aced this one. There is an effortless flair about them in how they engage their customers, something I think our Asian counterparts have a lot to learn from.

Consistency (The Winning Ingredient)
It all seemed too well orchestrated to be true if you asked me but what remains commendable is that every department we went, we felt there was a consistency in the level of motivation of the sales associates and how they upheld the Macy’s corporate image. Perhaps, they were “calibrated” with the Macy’s mission statement, ‘to be a retailer with the ability to see opportunity on the horizon and have a clear path for capitalizing on it’ etched in their minds.

Whatever they did, it must have worked. It felt like all of them spoke the same language – the language of great customer service. Afterall, the outcome of great customer service does translate into huge customer spending which may be why Macy’s has seen an increase in their sales figures since 2006.

If You Don’t Have It, Fix It
According to a Wall Street Journal article, Macy’s revamped its training program to improve its customer service standards, which was believed to have suffered from a dented reputation over the past few years and probably resulted in its slow sales growth. In this new program, new sales associates are required to attend a three-and-a half-hour training session and refresher courses are provided for associates on the sales floor.

There is no doubt that each company’s success comes from a huge effort in keeping their staff motivated and a focus on a high standard of service delivery. The right candidates for the job, coupled with proper training are part of the core foundation for the success of a business. In doing so, companies can also ensure that their mission statements, visions, and service cultures be communicated through the training programs for their staff. Knowledge of companies’ goals, policies and procedures allow staff to envision how they could better contribute to their companies’ success through their duties of service delivery.

I believe these efforts have been demonstrated in my recent visit to Macy’s, the associates who have assisted us clearly took pride in their duties – showing initiative, spontaneity and consistency. Simple gestures those were but when put together, projects a positive image to the public and speaks greatly of an exemplary service culture. Afterall, Macy’s had recorded a slight decrease in advertising spending for 2010, which makes me wonder if there is just a slight possibility that the customers’ word-of-mouth for its improved customer service might  be working.

*For more details on the service experience, kindly send your request to me through email -

Thursday 15 September 2011

How Long Is Too Long?

The thought of dining out on the eve of a public holiday has never sat well with me but when a long time friend invites you, one would politely accept.

Nestled amongst luxury branded boutiques and posh nosh, the Chinese restaurant blended in with the high-end atmosphere of the famous glass shopping mall that sits in the middle of Singapore’s shopping district. The establishment is part of a rather reputable organisation, which owns a total of eight concept restaurant chains locally, including a new concept outlet opening soon.

Upon arrival, I noticed its no-reservations policy and watched in disbelief the huge crowd of people outside the restaurant waiting for their numbers to be called. We were given a queue number and were told that it would be a 30-minute wait. The fact was, we were shown to our seats 1 hour and 15 minutes later.

The number-queuing system in this particular outlet is somewhat peculiar. The queue numbers were not in sequence. Maybe it wasn’t mean to be, but the bad judgment on waiting time did not make me feel any better.

Was the queue outside the restaurant a marketing stunt to attract onlookers in the hope that it may inspire patronage? Or a public display of the lack of proper procedure in managing the high demand for your supposedly good food and service? I remain puzzled.

We have all experienced one time or another the “double standards” exhibited in queues, where VIPs, celebrities or high society guests would be whisked right into restaurants or clubs or bars while we are left stranded outside the velvet ropes. Thanks to accrued experiences, I have developed a very strong displeasure for queuing but when one’s got to wait, there are really just two choices – bite your teeth and wait, or leave. Before this turns into a long rant, let’s examine how the situation could have been handled in a better way.

Waiting = Expectations
Dining establishments have great responsibilities in upholding their customers’ expectations, from taking reservations (if applicable) or waiting to be seated, to the end of a meal. When one aspect is not taken care of promptly, the sense of trust and reputation plummets down the drain. The result – one less repeat customer, endless word of mouth “publicity” and if you are unlucky, an earful of complaints.

In this case of queuing, it is a natural response that the longer one waits, the more impatient one gets. Hence, the higher one’s expectations would be. Therefore, it is important that organisations acquire a comprehensive procedure of handling situations such as these, with the obvious need to impart that knowledge to its front line employees.

Creative waiting
Queue management is a complex responsibility for service providers but it seriously is not rocket science. It is obvious that no one likes to be kept waiting in line. What makes it bearable are our mobile devices, allowing us to pass the time when subject to long waiting periods. I for one like to catch up on my emails and news on my phone when subject to idleness. Today, even hospitals and clinics install televisions to keep their patients “occupied”. I recall an instance at the Melbourne Zoo where zookeepers brought small animals out to keep the long queue entertained – “Good on ya, Mate!” Amusement parks engage entertainers or street artistes to take visitors’ minds off the long wait at ticket queues. Some restaurants provide recipe demonstrations and simple tastings to engage hungry customers waiting for their tables.

A handful of restaurants eliminate the process of telephone reservations due to the fact that latecomers or no-shows have over time abused the integrity of this system. I share their frustrations but that is precisely why most establishments have a 15-minute hold policy, which gives customers that extra 15 minutes of grace period to make a dash for it.

Do something. anything
There are a few remedies they could have reinstated my trust as a customer. Perhaps a gesture of calling us when our table is ready would have made my wait bearable. Or a quick check with a nearby restaurant under the same group (there is another outlet in the same building though a slightly different concept) on the availability of a table to show initiative. Or for the record, a simple apology to have kept us waiting would have been music to my ears. None were offered.

My point is – do something, anything. Customers need to be assured time and again that they are taken care of and not forgotten. To be seen doing something about a difficult situation and be kept informed of alternatives provides that very assurance.

An anticlimax?
Furthermore, should you be able to retain your customers after their long wait in line, make it up to them with your undivided attention to their needs and ensure that nothing would fail their expectations any further. I say this with the hope that chefs would do their part in dishing out recipes that are worth waiting for. Customers are generally forgiving (well, I am). Everyone needs to believe that afterall, good things actually do come to those who wait.

Trust me, (reasonable) customers are not asking for a miracle in these difficult situations (where solutions may be limited), we have eyes and ears to know how busy you are and how stressful it must be. All we ask is a genuine display of responsiveness, accompanied with a simple act of service recovery.

Monday 22 August 2011

So Basic and So Forgotten.

I have just had the pleasure of experiencing a rather relaxing stay at a desert resort (Yes! Almost like the one you saw in Sex and The City 2, minus the penthouse and butlers). Though I must quickly add that it was not the best time of the year – in the scorching heat of 48 Degrees Celsius and in the middle of Ramadan (it is prohibited by law in the Middle East to eat and drink in public) – I was not about to give up an opportunity to indulge in an Arabian escapade.

Those 22 hours of luxury obviously cost an arm and a leg. However, I have observed a major service faux par that ails even the most expensive of establishments such as this one. In my humble opinion, it was definitely not worth the mileage points on my credit card and I will justify my sentiments.

Luxury establishments are constantly being developed as we speak. Developers and owners go through great lengths in search of the perfect infrastructure to match breath-taking views for their establishments. However, hardware is easily replicated. Hoteliers and service providers know that they need a differentiator – Service – the software that will match the incredible hardware.

If an organisation were to promote itself as an establishment which provides personalised service, one would expect nothing less. My expectation of personalised service would be one where the establishment would at every opportunity use their guests’ names. Addressing guests by their names is the single most basic factor in providing a personalised service. To miss this basic element is like serving chicken rice without the chicken. Perhaps the establishment thought otherwise about this basic rule of thumb.

I will not be overly indulgent in pointing out the flaws for there were elements during the stay that were personalised, from the temperature of the water for the outdoor pool, to my preferred pillow stuffings, the choice of having breakfast in my room instead of at the restaurant, and a couple other personalised touches. Staff were friendly and approachable, and the establishment was magnificent but there is no doubt that my experience could be further enhanced by paying attention to one tiny detail – addressing its guests by their names.

The satisfaction derived from the simple act of being addressed by name can be immensely pleasurable. This form of recognition communicates sincerity, warmth and most of all, trust. To any guest, the trust of being looked after, cared for and being remembered is the very reason to return for that service. A simple gesture of recognition yields multiple possibilities of customer loyalty.

When a guest presents his or her passport at the check-in process, that should be an opportune time to start addressing the guest by his or her name. From then on, the guest’s name ought to be used at any appropriate time during their stay – over the phone, at the restaurant, in the spa, when sending requested items to the room, along the corridors, during check out, and at farewell. 

Hospitality establishments today have sophisticated, state-of-the-art centralised systems to connect all its departments. Guests' names could be obtained with a single touch of a button. For those short of this technical advantage, guest’s names could be obtained through a simple phone call to the front desk or telephone operator.

The correct salutation must be used at all times, accompanied with the guest’s last name of course. With that said, sometimes it is indeed a challenge to determine guests’ last names and that topic alone would require a whole separate blog entry. In a nutshell, the position of Chinese last names differs from that of our Western and some Asian friends. Yes, it does get more confusing when Asians have Christian names or middle names for Catholics, and don't get me started on pronunciation. At the end of the day, if in doubt, always best to check with guests so that you could avoid the embarrassment of addressing them incorrectly during the course of their stay. 

“Sir” and “Miss”, even “Madam” or “M'am” can be used when one has already addressed guests by their names. With that simple rule of thumb ironed out, there will always be guests who choose to abandon the formality and wish to be addressed by their first names. It will only be appropriate to do so when the guests inform you personally. To these liberal guests, they are more comfortable with the casual first name basis, use it but never abuse that privilege!

For me, perhaps I am a little more conventional and appreciate that bit of formality but “sir” just does not do it for me especially in a professional establishment and setting. Please don’t get me wrong, addressing your guests as “sir” or “miss” is not wrong, but only after you have used the guests' names at least once in the same conversation.

Conclusively, the lack of that simple gesture was the exact flaw that stood out to me as a guest in this beautiful establishment (amongst others). Was it the organisation? Or the individual service provider? Or was I just being too demanding? I accept that opinions will vary. Inevitably, there will always be pluses and minuses in evaluating a service experience as I have yet to experience one that is perfect. We can only hope that the pluses outweigh the minuses and not the other way round. Sadly, in this instance I was faced with the latter. Afterall, I am a little more critical than normal individuals (can't you already tell?).

Do not underestimate the power of a simple smile, a simple greeting (of "good morning, afternoon or evening") accompanied with the guest's name, for that may just be the sweetest sound to one's ears for that day. So before you go about impressing your guests with a whole service repertoire, remember to start by knowing your guests BY THEIR NAMES.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Absolute Service - A Humble Beginning

Ever since I have got full liberty from my parents on my choice of Hospitality Management course  as a student in tertiary education, I never looked back. 

Well ok, I lied. Every now and then, I do find myself reflecting upon that decision and (till today) count my blessings for choosing a subject I thoroughly enjoyed. Today, I attribute my passion for customer service to that defining moment at the age of 17. My lecturers would be proud.

With a decade in the hospitality industry, I have had my fair share of mostly good and the occasional not-so-good experiences with hotel guests, airline passengers, retail customers and corporate clients. Some interesting, some embarrassing, and a few which I would still cringe at the thought of. If my memory serves me well, it is with full confidence that I dare say the current level of customer service differs from that of the yester years. In a decade, I saw service quality deteriorate before my eyes. 

I try to rationalise it in the best possible way. In my consideration of always weighing both sides of the story, I would imagine being in the shoes of service providers as well as on the receiving end of service. Surely, it is not an easy feat to please each and every person who comes your way. The demands and expectations of people today are sky high. Thanks to the affluent, possibly complacent lifestyle which we now live by. For someone like me who appreciates and constantly yearn for good service, there is definitely a cause for concern.  

I cannot help but wonder about the problem behind each and every "not-so-good" customer service experience we ever so often face today - over the counter, on the phone, in a store, a salon, a cafe, a hotel, a resort, public transport, 30,000 feet above ground, in a different city, well, you get the idea. There will always be a constant battle of whether or not it is the fault of the individual or the organisation. Some may even say customers - I certainly will not rule out that possibility.

In the context of customer service levels today, I have endeavoured to partake in this journey for the quest of anything and everything relating to service, and evaluate them through my six senses. Yes, I have a sixth sense. 

In my opinion on service, every individual has a part, every spoken word has a meaning, every action has a reaction, every decision has a consequence, and every solution makes a difference. So, through my senses, I will interpret and explore the effect of the part of that individual, the spoken word, the reactive action, the consequential decision, the difference a solution will make - the entirety of the service experience.

I hope you will join me in my journey as it unfolds...